Dubai-The city enjoyed most of GWE (Global Wealth Effect) in past years. The lifestyle was rich (
I can say rich enough that people were thinking they were in a drug). It was a dreamland, for Investors. Money was like a low hanging fruit in Dubai. In every Six month there was a new big project. Stadium,
amusement parks, shopping center and off-scale apartment complex (you name it) are the example of how Dubai get the most out of Global Wealth Effect.
There was even shortage of worker for the on-going projects. So most of Dubai employer get workers from outside the country by providing
work permit. Workers from Bangladesh rushed to Dubai to get the gold(jobs with very good wages), promised by their employer. Life was more than perfect for last 4 to 5 years started from around 2001 to 2006.
Now in Dubai, the life is back to below normal. Some apartments homes that once traded for five million dollar have dropped to two million dollars. Still no one is interested for buying. Foreign workers are sitting without work. They are trapped in between the fight of their employer and Dubai government's new rules. Investors are pulling back their money to just survive before hits by a monstrous storm(current economic downturn) which they even don't know how monstrous.
A favorite quote of
Mr. Warren Buffett is
Only when the tide goes out do you discover who's been swimming naked
This is so true.